Special award for Marcia Dawkins during UNISON’s Year of Black Workers

‘Call me by my name’ activist celebrated for her commitment to Black workers.

Marcia Dawkins was the recipient of our Black Members Special Recognition Award at our Get Active awards ceremony on Friday night.

The award, new for 2023, was created as part of UNISON’s Year of Black Workers.

Ali Evans, UNISON South West joint regional convenor presented the award saying:

“Marcia is a leader in the fight against racist abuse in her workplace, North Bristol NHS Trust.

“She has championed the campaign ‘Call me by my name’ to empower Black workers to recognise that they have the right to expect to use their own name and should not have to anglicise it to accomodate colleagues resistence to pronouncing their given name.

“In January, she was elected as Chair of South West Black Members and works hard to ensure everyone in the group is heard, supported and involved.

“I’m delighted that we have been able to recognise the incredible work that Marcia does. Congratulations Marcia!”