Disabled members

UNISON is committed to achieving equality for all by fighting disability discrimination and campaigning to remove barriers to employment in the workplace.

Through self-organisation, disabled members help the union to identify and challenge discrimination. This helps build equality throughout the work of the union. It can also be a valuable way for members to get involved, develop skills, expertise and confidence.

Each Branch can elect a Disabled Members’ Officer and set up a self organised group.

The South West Disabled Members Committee meets throughout the year. The committee is open to all members in the South West who identify as being disabled.


Dates for the diary:

Our 2024 Disabled Members AGM

Saturday 23rd November – Holiday Inn Taunton M5.

Keep and eye out for further commincations coming shortly!

To express an interest an interest, please email equalityunisonsw@unison.co.uk


We make our meetings accessible by:

  • not making assumptions – disability takes many forms
  • asking members what access needs they have
  • ensuring confidentiality
  • planning ahead
  • considering the use of digital technology for members ‘virtual’ attendance

Sign up for more details about our Self Organised Group

  • In UNISON South West we have a number of self organised groups. These include: -Women's -LGBT+ - Black Members - Young Members - Disabled Members - Retired Members
  • Let us know a bit more about yourself , where you work , your interests and how you found out about our Self Organised groups.
    These mailings are for members in the South West Region only.
  • We will use this information to locate and verify your membership record and add you to the requested mailing list. For more information on how UNISON uses your personal data, visit www.unison.org.uk/privacy-policy
  • This information will help us to locate and verify your membership record.
  • Please give the email address you would like us to use to add you to our mailing list.
  • If you are unsure as to what branch you are a member of please use our link: (https://branches.unison.org.uk/)

