The South West Black Members Committee has launched an Islamophobia survey in a bid to understand the extent of Islamophobia being experienced by UNISON members in the South West.
The survey is open to anyone who has experienced, or witnessed incidents of Islamophobia. The intention is to map where UNISON members have experienced Islamophobia, to see what support needs to be provided and to consider events to promote equality around the issues to tie in to Islamophobia Awareness Month in November.
Marcia Dawkins, Chair of the UNISON South West Black Members Committee said: “Some groups are targeted because of their beliefs, and because of events that people blame them for – even if this is incorrect. Islam is the religion that is followed by the Muslim community. Islamophobia is discriminatory behaviour towards Muslims because of their faith. This group of people have become victims of attacks just because of their religion.
“UNISON will challenge any form of discrimination and call out such behaviour towards anyone. Tackling this sort of discrimination is important and should not be dismissed and people should not be in denial.
“We hope that this survey is the first step in making positive change in the South West.”