Swindon Local Government Branch donates £2,000 to Cardiff Half fundraising

Swindon Local Government Branch has made a £2,000 donation towards our organisers’ Cardiff Half Marathon fundraising in aid of UNISON’s welfare charity, There for You.

UNISON organisers to run half marathon in aid of the union’s charity, There for You

UNISON staff working across the South West have joined together for a fundraising bid in aid of the union’s charity, There for You.

Bath Half Marathon runners raise over £4,000 for UNISON’s There for You charity

A group of UNISON organisers took on the Bath Half Marathon yesterday, raising over £4,000 for the union’s charity.

Photo of Bath overlayed with a purple circle containing the UNISON logo, an image of a runner crossing the finish line and the text 'Sunday 16th October, Bath Half Marathon'

Swindon Local Government Branch donates £2,000 to Bath Half fundraising

Swindon Local Government Branch has made a £2,000 donation towards Step Up September in aid of UNISON’s welfare charity, There for You.

Photo of Bath overlayed with a purple circle containing the UNISON logo, an image of a runner crossing the finish line and the text 'Sunday 16th October, Bath Half Marathon'

UNISON organisers to run half marathon in aid of the union’s charity, There for You

UNISON staff working across the South West have joined together for a fundraising bid in aid of the union’s charity, There for You.