Happy World Emoji Day

Happy World Emoji day, here’s a run down of four emojis that you can use on a day to day basis when writing about trade unions.

Government must raise ‘out-of-date’ mileage rates for struggling public service staff

Over a million public service workers are being left thousands of pounds out of pocket because of a failure to update national mileage rates.

High Court finds strike-breaking legislation unlawful following UNISON case

Employers can no longer use agency staff to fill in for striking workers during industrial action following High Court ruling.

UNISON organisers to run half marathon in aid of the union’s charity, There for You

UNISON staff working across the South West have joined together for a fundraising bid in aid of the union’s charity, There for You.

Missing: NHS pay award for bank staff in Cornwall

Health care staff working for Kernowflex in Cornwall have today (Thursday) handed in a petition to Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust seeking the lump sum payment from the NHS pay award.

Government should commit to NHS pay talks now and avoid possible strikes next year

The government must commit to holding direct pay talks with unions and employers for the wage increase health workers are due next year if it is serious about improving the NHS pay-setting process, says UNISON today (Wednesday).

NHS workers hold purple UNISON tote bags while enjoying an ice cream. An ice cream van can be seen in the background.

UNISON celebrates 75 years of the NHS with free ice cream

The National Health Service’s seventy-fifth birthday will be marked by health workers in UNISON with free ice cream.

Year of Black Workers: Islamophobia in the South West

The South West Black Members Committee has launched an Islamophobia survey to map incidents in the South West.

Strike ballot under way at Bristol Waste

A group of 90 workers at Bristol Waste are being balloted for strike action from this week, following a below-inflation pay offer.

UNISON raises the age limit for its young members

UNISON’s national delegate conference last week approved a rule change that has an immediate impact on the union’s young members.

Police forces in the South West could face a combined budget shortfall of £46m by 2026

An analysis of police financial forecasts has revealed forces in the South West could face a combined budget shortfall of almost £46m by 2026, potentially putting public safety at risk.

Striking in the sunshine – on the picket lines in Bristol

Photos from four sunny picket lines across Bristol as University of Bristol support staff begin five days of action.

UNIZONE line up announced for Tolpuddle

For UNISON’s Year of Black Workers our regional Black members group have curated the line up for the aptly named, UNIZONE at the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival.

Majority of homecare staff are unpaid for travel between visits

Three quarters (75%) of care staff who look after people at home are not being paid for the time it takes them to travel between appointments, says UNISON.

11 Woodland Road picket line.

Picket lines confirmed for University of Bristol strike action

All the picket line information you need to support University of Bristol staff taking five days of strike action from Thursday 15 – Monday 19 June 2023.