Wiltshire trio named as UNISON South West’s organising reps of the year

“Thomas, Helen and Roger have shown exactly what union organising can achieve in an employer”

Three union representatives from Wiltshire and Avon Health took home the Organising Rep of the Year award at this year’s Get Active event.

Thomas Simblet, Helen Nash and Roger Davey led the campaign to ensure Wiltshire Health and Care staff received the NHS lump sum they were owed.

Through one to one conversations, member meetings and countless signatures on grievances, the trio have doubled UNISON membership in the employer and successfully took two days of strike action, resulting in a win for members.

Not only that, but Thomas, Helen and Roger all inspired and encouraged low paid women to have their voices heard in the media. Members felt engaged and confident to raise the profile of the issue on BBC and ITV news.

Unfortunately, the reps couldn’t make it to the awards ceremony so Andy Cork, a union representative from Wiltshire and Avon Health picked up the award on their behalf.

Mark Wareham presents the Organising Rep of the Year award to Andy Cork on behalf of three reps in his branch.

© Jess Hurd

UNISON South West regional secretary Kerry Baigent said: “Thomas, Helen and Roger have shown exactly what union organising can achieve in an employer. Doubling union membership and increasing workplace union density shows how strongly members felt about the issue.

“To then go on and engage in tough negotiations to secure a brilliant result for members is truly inspirational.

“I’m delighted that we could recognise their hard work and determination at our Get Active awards ceremony this year.”