Victoria Education Centre reps win UNISON’s organising award

Julia Rogers and Rhian Rothery have transformed their non-unionised workplace into an active, unionised environment

Our Organising Rep of the Year award in the community and voluntary sector celebrates the contributions of two remarkable UNISON representatives at Victoria Education Centre (Livability) in Poole.

Over the past 2.5 years, Julia Rogers and Rhian Rothery have transformed their non-unionised workplace into an active, unionised environment with a growing and engaged membership.

Julia and Rhian have rallied their colleagues around issues such as securing trade union recognition and advocating for fairer pay. Their leadership led to trade union recognition at Victoria Education Centre in 2022, with 90% of staff supporting the cause through a petition. This milestone was achieved when UNISON membership density was just 20%.

Together, they have increased UNISON membership from 30 to 117 members, reaching a membership density of nearly 73%. Their inclusive approach and commitment to improving working conditions have fostered trust and confidence, evidenced by a 97% vote in favour of strike action in September 2023.

With support from the branch and regional colleagues, Julia and Rhian led members through four days of strike action, with over 80% of members on the picket line. Their resilience in the face of employer resistance has been commendable, turning setbacks into opportunities to campaign and mobilise members.

Their efforts compelled the employer to return to negotiations with renewed urgency, resulting in a revised pay offer. Julia and Rhian’s leadership has effectively leveraged member mandates and strike action to achieve significant concessions, aligning with the key objectives of their original pay claim.

UNISON South West regional secretary Kerry Baigent said: “Congratulations to Julia and Rhian on this well-deserved award. Their contributions over the last 12 months have been invaluable to our members at Victoria Education Centre. Their achievements stand as a testament to the power of collective action.

“Julia and Rhian’s dedication and commitment have made a profound impact. Their leadership and strength continues to inspire and motivate all those involved in the trade union movement.”