And our Equality award goes to… Darienne Flemington

Darienne was presented with the award in recognition of her dedication to equality and social justice

On Friday night, Darienne Flemington was presented with the Get Active Equality award in recognition of her dedication to equality and social justice.

Darienne is a long-term advocate for LGBT+ issues within her branch and the local government service group. Her involvement with the Exeter Respect festival, the South West’s largest celebration of diversity and human rights, has ensured UNISON’s presence and support at the event.

As a proud member of the LGBT+ community and a dedicated trade unionist, Darienne’s personal experiences with discrimination drives her passion for equality and her extensive work within UNISON has empowered many members to become active within the union.

UNISON South West regional secretary Kerry Baigent said: “Our Equality award could not have found a more deserving recipient than Darienne.

“Her passion, leadership, and dedication to equality have made a significant impact on countless lives, exemplifying the core values of our union. Her contributions inspire us all to continue the fight for a more just, equal, and inclusive society.”