Somerset schools convenors scoop special recognition award

The award, new for 2022, seeks to recognise the extraordinary efforts of activists throughout the pandemic.

Schools reps pick up their award at Get Active 2022.

Tracy Turton, Beki Arthurs and Cat Doye were the winners of our special recognition award at Get Active 2022.

The special recognition award, new for this year, was created to recognise the extraordinary lengths our activists have gone to support members whilst also working on the frontline throughout the pandemic.

With over 300 schools and 2,000 members, it isn’t easy being schools convenors at the best of times. Not least when the government is mandating schools to open at a time of huge uncertainty.

In January 2021, schools were mandated to open and this left a lot of members feeling very vulnerable and anxious about the pandemic and the impact it would have on theirs and their loved ones health as the government did not prioritise the vaccination for school workers.

The schools convenors came together to issue guidance and advice to members on a regular basis and successfully identified new stewards and health and safety representatives across the county.

They have provided frequent advice and guidance not only to the team of reps that they support, but to the wider union membership around COVID-19 and health and safety.

They have also supported many members with individual cases as well as collective cases and TUPE’s etc. Considering they have only been doing this for the last couple of years, their knowledge and ability to support each other, their reps and their members is outstanding.

The winners of the special recognition award are Tracy Turton, Beki Arthurs and Cat Doye!