Exeter Health Workers Stand up for Women

Hospital staff in the Royal Devon & Exeter UNISON branch marked International Women’s Day last week by pledging to help tackle period poverty and support survivors of domestic violence. The branch committee, which represents over 1,600 health care staff in Exeter, unanimously backed a proposal to support and promote the work of Comfort Exeter and […]

Pay rise deadlock between Mitie and Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust leaves hospital staff angry and frustrated, says UNISON

Cleaners, porters and catering staff in Truro who are employed by private contractor Mitie are demanding the same pay rise as that given to their NHS colleagues last year, says UNISON.

Environment Agency staff vote on strike action over pay

The threat of industrial action is looming at the Environment Agency after it decided to force a below inflation pay rise on its 10,000 staff earlier this year.

Blog: Happy International Women’s Day!

It’s always a huge source of pride to me that UNISON is the largest women’s organisation in the UK. Regional secretary Joanne Kaye writes on International Women’s Day 2019. With over a million women members, we have the strongest voice on issues like the gender pay gap, sexual harassment, part time working and domestic abuse. Our […]

Pupils protest in Plymouth after headteacher threatens Golden Time

With Golden Time under threat, students from Pennycross Primary in Plymouth staged a protest with the help of UNISON.

Mark Thomas gives the NHS a comedy check-up

Political comedian Mark Thomas is heading to the South West with his award-winning show about the NHS. Check Up: Our NHS at 70, which Thomas first performed last year, is based on a series of interviews with leading experts on the NHS, and a month of residencies in hospitals during which he shadowed doctors, nurses […]

Above inflation pay rise secured for Bristol Waste workers

Recycling operatives and drivers in Bristol have accepted a two year 6.2% pay deal today (Tuesday), which will see a typical worker receive an increase worth around £1,400.

Sirona care workers celebrate award win

When Sirona proposed to cut 30 minutes pay per shift from 160 low-paid care workers in Bath our members decided to fight back.

Branch of the Year award presented to Salisbury Health

Salisbury Health Branch awarded Branch of the Year

Fighting off privatisation, increasing membership by 11.5% and ensuring members actively participated in equality networks were just some of the reasons Salisbury Health Branch won Branch of the Year. Upon presenting the award at the Get Active awards ceremony in Taunton UNISON Regional Secretary Joanne Kaye said:  “Salisbury Health Branch is one of the regions […]

Shawn Fleming accepting an award from Debi Potter at UNISON's Get Active Awards Ceremony 2019

“Lunch and Learn” organiser wins Learning Initiative Award at regional ceremony

Shawn Fleming, Concorde Health UNISON Branch Secretary, won the Learning Initiative Award at this year’s Get Active awards ceremony in Taunton. Shawn has shown how important education is in empowering colleagues to deal with the threats they face from privatisation in the workplace. Following an announcement that his employer, North Bristol NHS Trust, was considering […]

Mitie staff in Cornwall could consider strike action over pay

Porters, cleaners and catering staff working for Mitie at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust are hoping 2019 is the year they receive a pay rise.

Croyde Bay Lodge Accommodation

Croyde Bay break raises hundreds for UNISON’s There For You charity

A three night break at Croyde Bay has raised £229.70 for UNISON’s There For You charity following a raffle at UNISON’s Get Active event in Taunton.

University of Bath accredited as a Living Wage employer

Following partnership working with UNISON, University of Bath can today call itself a Living Wage employer with accreditation from the Living Wage Foundation. This means the university will pay at least the voluntary Living Wage of £9 an hour to all staff. This will positively affect more than 300 employees and will be implemented in […]

Branch Secretary of Ambulance Branch scoops ‘Organising Rep of the Year’ award

The Branch Secretary of one of the biggest Branches in the South West won the Eric Roberts Organising Rep of the Year award at last nights Get Active 2019. Chris Nelson has led the South Western Ambulance and Allied Helath Branch for several years and in 2018 he spearheaded a campaign against bullying in the ambulance […]

Apprentices acknowledged with regional award

Nick Hillman and Freya Kendall, apprentices at Poole Borough council have been recognised by their trade union, UNISON, at a regional awards ceremony. The Young Members of the Year Award was presented by Kendal Bromley at UNISON’s Get Active event in Taunton last night. This comes on the back of their brilliant campaign work for […]