UNISON urges HSE to improve COVID guidance for employers

UNISON has written to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) this week, calling for improved guidance for employers on how to protect their Black and other vulnerable workers during the pandemic.

Vaccine booking system now open to frontline care workers

UNISON welcomes announcement that care workers who haven’t had a dose yet can make an appointment.

Hitting wages of key workers would be ‘worst possible’ blow to economy

Government plans to hold down public-sector pay will cause a £142m blow to the South West’s economy, a TUC analysis shows today. A total of £1.3bn will be cut from keyworker pay settlements in England this year, after the chancellor announced the squeeze in November 2020, causing a forecast £1.7bn hit to England’s economy between […]

An empty day room at a care home

Government and care providers must act to bring down care home death tolls

A third of COVID-19 deaths in the South West this year have occured in care homes across the region, figures from the Office for National Statistics show. 579 deaths were recorded in care homes in January, the stats show. Joanne Kaye, UNISON South West regional secretary said: “We’re almost a year into the global pandemic, […]

A​n early wage rise for health workers in the South West would improve morale, says UNISON

A £2,000 pay rise for all NHS workers across the South West would boost morale amid unrelenting pandemic pressures, says UNISON today (Thursday). The union is calling ​on the government ​to deliver an early and significant wage increase ​– of at least £2,000 ​– to show staff are valued as they face unprecedented hospital admissions. ​A recent UNISON survey shows ​more than nine out of ten NHS staff (91%) […]

Christina McAnea elected UNISON general secretary

Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. Voting in the ballot was as follows: Paul Holmes               45,220 (33.76%) Christina McAnea       63,900 (47.7%) Roger McKenzie         14,450 (10.79%) Hugo Pierre                10,382 (7.75%). More to follow.

Care workers in the South West looking after sick and elderly still not getting regular Covid tests, says UNISON

Care home staff in the South West are still not receiving weekly Covid tests despite government promises, according to a survey published today (Thursday) by UNISON.

UNISONDirect Christmas Hours

Our dedicated call centre UNISONDirect has published their opening hours over the Christmas period. 24 December: 6am to 3pm 25 December: Closed 26 December: Closed 27 December: Closed 28 December: Closed 29 December: 6am to midnight 30 December: 6am to midnight 31 December: 6am to 3pm 1 January: Closed 2 January: 9am to 1pm 3 […]

12 Key Workers of Christmas

We need your help to celebrate key workers this Christmas.

UNISON celebrates school support staff with annual Stars in Our Schools day

Stars in our Schools, the annual UNISON celebration day, takes place today (Friday). Just two days after the chancellor announced a public sector pay freeze, the day seeks to recognise the incredible work school support staff undertake.  Over the past few weeks UNISON South West has invited members to make nominations for Stars in our Schools.  […]

Care workers left high and dry by chancellor

Government money not enough to fix broken care system.

UNISON celebrates One Team Day

Every November UNISON celebrates One Team Day. The goal? To celebrate everything that NHS staff have been doing behind the scenes day in day out, and this year – throughout a global pandemic.  

Swindon Local Government Branch donates £2,000 to UNISON’s welfare charity

Swindon Local Government Branch has made a £2,000 donation towards Step Up September in aid of UNISON’s welfare charity, There for You.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Every year on 20th November the lives of trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last 12 months are remembered. UNISON resources for supporting trans colleagues and campaigning for trans rights in the workplace.

Our COVID response fund – helping members through the pandemic

UNISON’s There for You charity reopens COVID-19 response fund to help members who are struggling as a direct result of coronavirus.