Dorset Council sign UNISON’s pledge to support care workers in the workplace

Dorset Council have today, Wednesday, signed up to UNISON’s ‘Stop the Spread’ pledge, a key initiative by the UK’s biggest trade union to support care workers in the fight against coronavirus. The commitments include key safety measures, such as priority testing for social care workers and providing life saving personal protective equipment. In addition, the […]

UNISON care packages delivered to schools across Devon

School support staff have been treated to care packages from UNISON as pupils have returned to the classroom. The packages were delivered to schools across Plymouth and Torbay over the last week. The packages are part of a wider campaign from the UK’s biggest trade union to have more health and safety representatives in the […]

UNISON staff Step Up this September

UNISON members have been on the frontline throughout the pandemic, keeping the country running. Our staff are going to lace up their running shoes, get the bikes out the shed and clock up as many miles as we can to fundraise for you. Over twenty members of regional staff have signed up for Step Up September, […]

Give all NHS staff a wage rise immediately of at least £2k, says UNISON

A pay claim submitted by UNISON to the government today would see of at least £2,000, for NHS staff, by the end of this year.

School staff must be allowed to wear face coverings for safe reopening, says UNISON

Responding to a joint statement by UK chief medical officers about school reopening, UNISON head of education Jon Richards said today (Sunday): “This acknowledgement of the transmission risk between staff in schools underlines why it’s vital they should be able to wear face coverings. “It’s still unclear why government guidance won’t allow them, when they’re recommended for other […]

New survey will reveal state of NHS staff car parking

UNISON has launched a survey of NHS staff in hospitals, to get a fuller understanding of what is happening about free car parking for workers as the lockdown eases. Take the NHS Hospitals Car Parking survey Hospital parking has been free for NHS staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, while local authorities and private providers have […]

Clearer guidance still needed on face coverings in schools in England, says UNISON

Parents and staff are still confused over the wearing of face coverings in schools, says UNISON. The union has now written to secretary of state for education Gavin Williamson urging him to allow all school staff to be allowed to wear face coverings if they choose. UNISON also supports calls to let pupils wear face coverings too, given emerging evidence […]

UNISON initiative to support ‘heroic’ care workers gains support of Somerset County Council

Council leaders in Somerset have today, Friday, become the first council in the South West to sign up to UNISON’s ‘Stop the Spread’ pledge, a key initiative by the UK’s biggest trade union to support care workers in the fight against coronavirus.

Staffing, safety and vulnerable children must be priority for schools’ return, says UNISON

Responding to plans published today (Thursday) by the government for the full return of schools from September, UNISON head of education Jon Richards said: “Everyone wants all children to return to the classroom as soon as possible. There are still issues, though, around staffing and safety. “Test and trace must get a whole lot better for social […]

Show your appreciation and thoughts for the South West’s NHS and key workers, says UNISON

People across the South West are being urged to celebrate and commemorate health, care and other essential workers this weekend to mark the 72nd birthday of the NHS, says UNISON today (Thursday). It will culminate in what is hoped to be the biggest ever clap for carers on Sunday (5 July) as the country shows its appreciation […]

Frontline care and health workers face thousands of pounds of government ​visa charges, says UNISON

Thousands of low-paid migrant care and health staff have been shut out of a government scheme that would save them thousands of pounds in visa ​renewal fees, says UNISON ​today (Thursday). The frontline ​staff are dismayed the government has blocked them from receiving a free one-year visa extension​, which has been granted to some key workers because of the pandemic. The visa […]

Your NHS Stories

The NHS celebrates it’s 72nd birthday on Sunday.

NJC committee to put pay offer to members

Consultation will allow branches and members to discuss the employers’ final offer – the best that can be achieved by negotiation.

The main entrance to Weston General Hospital in Weston Super Mare. Person seen in the background wearing a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Urgent improvements needed at Weston Hospital after coronavirus failures, says UNISON

Health managers must take immediate action to sort out communication issues which left staff in the dark about major Covid-19 difficulties at Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare, says UNISON today (Thursday).

New care home death figures show government claims of protecting the sector ​ring hollow, says UNISON

Responding to figures published today (Tuesday) by the Office for National Statistics showing more than 1,000 coronavirus related deaths have occured in South West care homes, UNISON South West regional secretary Joanne Kaye said: “Over 1,000 families in the South West have lost loved ones to COVID-19 in care homes, many haven’t even had the chance to […]