Nurses, paramedics, blood collection workers and other NHS staff in new strike over pay

Nurses will join blood collection workers, healthcare assistants, cleaners, porters and ambulance staff in a new day of walkouts over pay next month.

HE strikes called off as talks move forward

As a result of progress in Acas (The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) facilitated discussions, a joint statement has been agreed and released between the UCEA (University & Colleges Employers Association) and the higher education trade unions: EIS, GMB, UCU, UNISON and Unite. The statement highlights that progress has been made in discussions around pay, […]

NHS dispute widens to cover most parts of England

The growing NHS dispute over pay and staffing will now cover ambulance services and other NHS organisations across most parts of England.

Social workers and occupational therapists balloted for strike action in South Gloucestershire

Social workers and occupational therapists in South Gloucestershire Council are being balloted for strike action by UNISON in a dispute over pay enhancements.

Joanne Kaye on the picket line in Redruth with an ambulance in the background.

Blog: How to fall in love this Valentine’s Day*

The week of Valentine’s Day is now a week of celebration within the trade union movement. Joanne Kaye writes for Heart Unions Week 2023.

University picket lines this week

University of Bristol, University of Gloucestershire and the University of the West of England will take further strike action this week.

Ambulance Strike: day four of industrial action in the South West

Ambulance staff working for South Western Ambulance Service will be taking their fourth day of industrial action on Friday 10th February.

Here are the confirmed picket lines at ambulance stations (AS) and other SWASFT workplaces.

Pickets will begin at 8am and run through until 8pm.

Thousands of university workers strike again over wages

Higher education staff are walking out over the coming days in a third wave of strikes over inadequate pay, says UNISON today (Thursday).

Recap: Striking for fair pay in the Environment Agency

Thousands of environment agency workers from across the country took strike action over pay on Wednesday.

Picket lines announced for Environment Agency strike

Environment Agency employees belonging to UNISON and Prospect are set to take strike action this Wednesday (8 February).

Joanne Kay raises a fist alongside picketing ambulance staff. An ambulance can be seen in the background and smoke rises from the nearby brazier.

Recap: On the Ambulance picket lines in Cornwall

On Wednesday 11th January, thousands of Ambulance workers took their second day of strike action in so many months.

Our regional secretary, Joanne Kaye, set herself a personal mission for the day – visit every picket line in Cornwall.

Teacher Strikes: advice for school support staff in UNISON

National Education Union (NEU) has announced that they will be taking strike action in schools and sixth form colleges over pay and funding, starting on 1 February. They have announced a series of days of strike action in England and Wales for teachers. The planned dates of action are: Wednesday 1 February (England and Wales) […]

Local government and school staff deserve inflation-busting pay rise, say unions

Unions submit inflation-busting pay claim for 1.4 million workers.

Environment Agency workers set for further strike action

Second strike in the Environment Agency’s history looms over pay.

ambulance strikes picket image

Ambulance Strike: third day of action in the South West

Ambulance staff working for South Western Ambulance Service will be on strike for a third day on Monday 23rd January.

Here are the confirmed picket lines at ambulance stations (AS) and other SWASFT workplaces.

Pickets will begin at 7am and run through until 7pm.