A sunny day at the University of Gloucestershire

University of Gloucestershire members to take action on pay

Dates announced as ballot passes the legal threshold for turnout.

Lack of lateral flow tests in schools putting staff and children at risk, says UNISON

Nearly a third (32%) of school ​support ​and nursery staff say their employers are unable to provide them with enough lateral flow tests to do ​the recommended twice-weekly checks, says UNISON today (Thursday). A survey of more than 2,300 school support staff – ​including teaching assistants, ​administrators and cleaners – revealed they ​were unable to follow government guidance ​for tw​ice-weekly tests ​as their school did not have an adequate supply of […]

A school meals worker at Cleves Primary School dishes out lunch.

Low sick pay is leaving school meals staff unable to self-isolate

Twenty of the biggest school catering companies are not giving full sick pay to staff, meaning that some of the lowest-paid staff in schools cannot afford to self-isolate because they’re being forced to rely on statutory sick pay (SSP).

OVO energy logo

Ovo job cuts devastating for staff and worrying for consumers, says UNISON

The government can no longer stand idly by and watch as the UK’s energy sector implodes, says UNISON, as it reacts to the news that 1,700 jobs are to go at energy giant Ovo.

Care workers in Somerset to receive welcome pay boost

The announcement by Somerset County Council and the NHS ​of a joint £4.8m investment to increase pay and recognise the hard work and vital contributions of carers in the county​, has been welcomed by UNISON.

UNISON hosts its first young members’ conference in Cardiff

Throughout the course of the event, delegates spoke time and again of how important UNISON had been over the past two years

Ambulance outside hospital

Long ambulance delays causing distress for patients and staff

Commenting on data published today (Thursday) by NHS England showing that NHS waiting lists are at a record high and targets for 999 response times are being missed, UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: “The NHS has been experiencing winter-style pressures for months now. There are real fears that staff and services will be unable […]

Disability Pay Gap Day

Today is the day that the average disabled worker stops getting paid for the rest of the year compared to the average non-disabled worker. According to TUC research, the disability pay gap, or the amount that the average non-disabled worker earns more than an average disabled worker, is £3,500. This means that non-disabled workers earn […]

Urgent action needed to fix care staffing, says UNISON

Commenting on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said today (Friday): “This report makes ​it crystal clear ​that the care sector is on the precipice due to the catastrophic staff​ing crisis. “Care homes are closing because they can’t recruit, putting unbearable […]

Cuts at Cornwall Council set to reduce wage bill by £18million

Cornwall Council has, this week, announced it needs to save £18million against its current wage bill by March 2022. The council has commenced work on plans to reduce the workforce but, at this stage, are unable to commit to what the budget reduction looks like in terms of staff numbers. UNISON South West regional organiser […]

World Mental Health Day

Over a year after the coronavirus pandemic hit the UK, we are all aware of the impact that the disease, and the measures introduced to deal with it, have had on our mental health. Regardless of whether our own personal experience has been one of stress, uncertainty, grief, isolation, or even boredom, few of us […]

Council and school support staff to be balloted for industrial action

UNISON’s NJC Committee, representing 400,000 members in local government in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, today agreed to ballot members for industrial action over pay. UNISON members in local government were asked to vote on the employers’ pay offer of 1.75%, and 79% voted to reject it. Work will now begin on preparing for an […]

Government must get a grip on fuel crisis to protect essential services, says UNISON

Calling for ministers to intervene in the UK’s continuing fuel crisis, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “The government has to take control. It’s no good ministers wasting time on a pointless blame game or pretending there’s no problem. “Essential staff must be able to get to their jobs so they can continue to provide the services […]

UNISON health members deliver damning verdict on government’s 3% increase

Health workers in England – angry that rising costs have already wiped out their recent pay rise – have voted to oppose the government over the 3% increase, says UNISON today (Monday). Publishing the results of a consultation exercise that ran over the summer, UNISON says the overwhelming majority (80%) of health workers are not happy with the […]

Mandatory vaccination risks worsening NHS staff shortage, says UNISON

“The key to convincing hesitant staff is persuasion​, not force.”