Equality in Your Branch – Developing a Branch Equality Action Plan

This course is for all representatives and branch officers.

Note: This course or Making Equality Central to your Practice, must be done within two years of appointment.

The course will help you understand how discrimination affects our members, what the branch can do to tackle discrimination at work and encourage under-represented members to be involved in union activity. It will help you to build your local union organisation and play your part in tackling discrimination.

The aims of this course are:
• To develop your understanding of equality in UNISON.
• To promote equality organising in your workplace and branch.
• To enable you to understand the roles of the Branch Equalities Co-ordinator, Equality
Reps and Self-Organised Groups officers.
• To improve your knowledge of the tools you can use to tackle discrimination and promote equality.
• To develop your branch equality action plan
• To look at how you can contribute to your branch equality action plan.

Dates: This course is delivered by arrangement with individual branches.

This online or in-person workshop is delivered by arrangement with individual branches

Dates: This course is delivered by arrangement with individual branches