Virgincare must prove commitment to public services

Work with us and prove your commitment to public services, UNISON urges Virgin Care Commenting on Bath and North East Somerset Council’s vote to award Virgin Care the community health contract previously held by Sirona, UNISON regional organiser John Drake said: “It’s time to move forward together to build a stronger health service for local people. We’ve […]

Somerset NHS plans must be more than emergency surgery

NHS plans must have time and money to be more than emergency surgery, says UNISON Commenting on Sustainability and Transformation Plans released by Somerset health employers today, UNISON South West head of health Helen Eccles said: “There is a real urgency to deal with the problems facing our NHS; on current forecasts the deficit in […]

Dorset care employees threatened with £2600 pay cut

Care employees threatened with £2600 pay cut by Dorset councils’ company Care staff employed by Dorset company Tricuro are to stage a silent protest outside county council offices in Dorchester later today (Thursday), over plans that could see some employees lose as much as £2600 a year. Tricuro was set up just over a year […]

Stephanie and Jeff, UNISON SW #OurHealthHeroes South West finalists

South West Health Heroes revealed

  Two health workers in the South West have been recognised with an Our Health Heroes award The honours have been created by Skills for Health and the National Skills Academy for Health in partnership with UNISON. Clinical apprentice at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital Stephanie Crump has been chosen as a national finalist […]

UNISON organises running a stall at Musgrove Hospital

UNISON recognises Health Heroes!

On Monday 12 September, UNISON organisers visited Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton to promote the Our Health Heroes awards. UNISON cupcakes were delivered to hard working staff around the hospital and a stall set up on the concourse to talk to members of the public. Our Health Heroes, launched by UNISON, in partnership with Skills for […]

UNISON members rally outside Thornbury library

Stop the South Glos library cuts!

30% of library staff in South Gloucestershire could be sacked under Tory Councillors’ plans to hit the local service, despite the council’s own consultation showing most public support for stopping library cuts. With £650k of cuts planned over the next three years, the library service will see its budget (£2.6m) fall by more than one […]

Bristol budget chaos shows Mayor must be honest with residents

Bristol budget chaos shows Mayor must be honest with residents, says UNISON The deeper than expected hole in Bristol City Council’s budget means a different approach is needed if public services in the city are to survive, UNISON has said. Over £100 million of cuts – 25% of the budget – could leave the Council […]

Preferred provider status for Virgin Care leaves questions to be answered

Health staff have little faith in Virgin Care’s ability to deliver a public service in Bath & North East Somerset despite the private corporation’s newly awarded status as “preferred provider”. UNISON is pledging to fight every step of the way to ensure no aspect of Virgin Care’s bid goes unscrutinised in the remaining three months of […]

Save Our Services! New toolkit for campaigners

Despite a new Prime Minister, the Tories show little sign of fairer funding for public services. So it’s more important that ever that UNISON members, and everyone else who care about high quality public services, have the right tools to make the case for proper investment in the services our communities need. Get the Save […]

£1 million at risk as Devon contractor reneges on deal

£1 million of taxpayers’ money at risk as contractor Optum reneges on agreement UNISON is calling upon Devon County Council to save £1m of tax payers’ money as a dispute escalates due to failings within the Council’s procurement process. At a time when Devon NHS Services face a £402m black hole by 2020 an unnecessary […]

Merger Row Masks Deep Cuts to Somerset Services

A cuts-driven restructuring plan risks the quality of council services, UNISON has today warned. With a 30% budget reduction threatened by 2020, arguments between councillors in Taunton Deane and West Somerset over whether they should merge, collaborate, or go their own way are missing the point. Transformation plans aim to introduce a call centre approach […]

UNISON campaign wins living wage at Cornwall Council

UNISON are thrilled that Cornwall Councillors voted at the full council meeting to re-instate the Living Wage Foundation pay rate for staff at the bottom of the pay structure – the majority being women.  In a joint campaign between the Trade Unions and the Labour Party, councillors were persuaded that Cornwall Council needed to continue […]

Our statement on the EU vote result

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has made the following statement: The people have spoken, and they have made a clear call for change – and a different relationship with Europe. We will be working in the coming weeks and months to hold the leave campaigners to the promises they’ve made – that there will be […]

Damning report shows need for change in NHS 111 services

Damning report shows need for change in NHS 111 services, says UNISON South West A Care Quality Commission (CQC) report rating the NHS 111 services run by South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWAST) as inadequate has been responded to by UNISON South West. UNISON South Western Ambulance branch co-secretary Chris Nelson said: “This is […]

£727m black hole for SW if UK quits EU

£727m black hole for SW if UK quits the EU, UNISON South West warns​ Leaving the EU risks £726.9 million of European funding in the South West that was recently allocated to public services, local businesses and non-profit organisations, research by UNISON has shown. Money from the European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) – totalling £12.8 […]