Despite a new Prime Minister, the Tories show little sign of fairer funding for public services.
So it’s more important that ever that UNISON members, and everyone else who care about high quality public services, have the right tools to make the case for proper investment in the services our communities need.
You can make a difference by getting together with your workmates and neighbours to minimise the impact of the cuts. This toolkit puts power back in your hands with guides to:
- Picking your campaign and recruiting supporters
- Understanding local government finances and how councils work
- How councils can maximise the social impact of their money
- Working with the media and local politicians
- Sending a message to the Government that fair funding is needed now
This campaign will take off with more resources and information in the Autumn.
We will be publishing new research that explains the scale of cuts to these services and how this affects social care workers and older service users.
And on 16 November, UNISON activists and members will join together to raise awareness of the devastating impact of cuts to older people’s social care services on our first ever SOS Day!
Get the SOS guide here and let us know what campaigns you’re running!