Livewell Southwest commit to TUC’s Dying to Work Charter

Livewell Southwest has today (Wednesday) added its name to a charter aimed at helping employees who become terminally ill at work. The social care organisation is the latest employer to sign up to the Dying to Work Voluntary Charter, following in the footsteps of employers such as Rolls Royce, Royal Mail and the Co-op. The […]

Plans to review admin services withdrawn at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust

Plans to review admin services at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust have been withdrawn today following a successful campaign by UNISON. The announcement from the Trust’s new Chief Executive Dominic Hardisty followed 18 months of talks, lunchtime walkouts and a formal strike ballot which saw over 95% of affected staff voting for strike action. Wiltshire […]

Somerset County Council Chief Exec and union officials hold A1 sized certificate confirming the council's commitment to a local apprenticeship agreement

Somerset County Council signs new agreement to protect apprentices

Somerset County Council has signed a local apprenticeship agreement with UNISON. The agreement ensures that apprentices will receive the correct rate for the job they are doing, high quality training, and a safe and healthy working environment. UNISON South West Regional Secretary Joanne Kaye said:  “We are delighted the council has decided to sign a […]

Postponed: Black Members Get Active

A message from Mark Everden, Regional Education Organiser: “Due to unforeseen circumstances we have made the difficult decision to postpone our inaugural Black Members Get Active event which was due to take place next month. “We have written to everyone who had registered to attend the residential weekend. “Following the success of our Black Members […]

Members of Bristol UNISON branch hold purple and green UNISON flags and zero tolerance campaign posters to show support for the summer appeal.

Bristol Zero Tolerance Summer Appeal boosted by UNISON donation

The Bristol Branch of UNISON has today, Friday, announced a £2,000 donation to the Bristol Zero Tolerance Summer Appeal. Bristol Zero Tolerance, launched in 2015, is an initiative managed by Bristol Women’s Voice and aims to have gender-based harassment recognised as a serious issue and treated as a hate crime. The overall objective is to […]

More than 500 jobs at risk as Dorset Council announces restructure plan

Dorset Council must avoid compulsory job losses as it today (Monday) announced plans to cut its workforce, says UNISON. “At risk” letters have been sent to employees in five areas of the council including human resources, finance and IT. Staff will now enter a 45-day consultation period. Dorset County Council, East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, […]

Plymouth school support staff set for second day of strike action

Teaching assistants, administration staff and meal time assistants in Plymouth schools will strike over pay today (Wednesday) for the second time in a fortnight. Support staff at Plym Academy Trust are protesting over being paid up to 56 pence less per hour than others in similar roles locally. Their low wages are the result of […]

Tolpuddle: What’s on in the UNIZONE

Organised by Dorset Black Members Group we have a full programme of entertainment in the UNIZONE at Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival.

Plym Academy Trust on strike in pay dispute

Teaching assistants, administration staff and meal time assistants in five Plymouth schools are on strike over pay.

NHS apprentices assemble for UNISON training event

Mental health awareness, confidence building and skills analysis were all on the agenda today as apprentices met in Dorset for UNISON’s inaugural NHS Apprenticeship Conference.

Care staff forced to sleep in offices and not wash

Care staff on overnight shifts are having to bed down at work in offices or on dirty mattresses – sometimes without anywhere to wash, according to a UNISON report published today (Tuesday). The report Sleeping in, losing out – released to coincide with the opening day of the union’s annual conference – presents a shocking picture of […]

Ambulance outside hospital

Court of Appeal finds in favour of UNISON in holiday pay dispute

NHS workers who do overtime on a regular basis or frequently work beyond their normal shifts should now have these extra hours taken into account when their holiday pay is calculated, as a result of a landmark court victory by UNISON today (Monday). The Court of Appeal judgment found in favour of a paramedic and […]

System of second class NHS workers in the South West must end, says UNISON

Three private companies employing thousands of staff in the NHS in the South West are coming under pressure as UNISON’s campaign for fair pay in the health service escalates.

Pride Rainbow Flag

June is Pride Month!

The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world.

Blog: Time for government to start caring about social care

A civilised society cares for the vulnerable and those with special needs, looks after the elderly after their lifetime of contribution to others and does so in a way which puts the needs and dignity of these people first. A civilised society values the skills of caring for others and sees these skills as complex, demanding and worthy of decent pay and conditions. Sadly we seem to have a long way to go before we can call ourselves truly civilised.