Care staff forced to sleep in offices and not wash

Care staff on overnight shifts are having to bed down at work in offices or on dirty mattresses – sometimes without anywhere to wash, according to a UNISON report published today (Tuesday). The report Sleeping in, losing out – released to coincide with the opening day of the union’s annual conference – presents a shocking picture of […]

Ambulance outside hospital

Court of Appeal finds in favour of UNISON in holiday pay dispute

NHS workers who do overtime on a regular basis or frequently work beyond their normal shifts should now have these extra hours taken into account when their holiday pay is calculated, as a result of a landmark court victory by UNISON today (Monday). The Court of Appeal judgment found in favour of a paramedic and […]

System of second class NHS workers in the South West must end, says UNISON

Three private companies employing thousands of staff in the NHS in the South West are coming under pressure as UNISON’s campaign for fair pay in the health service escalates.

Pride Rainbow Flag

June is Pride Month!

The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world.

Blog: Time for government to start caring about social care

A civilised society cares for the vulnerable and those with special needs, looks after the elderly after their lifetime of contribution to others and does so in a way which puts the needs and dignity of these people first. A civilised society values the skills of caring for others and sees these skills as complex, demanding and worthy of decent pay and conditions. Sadly we seem to have a long way to go before we can call ourselves truly civilised.

Election results show the country is more divided than ever, says UNISON

“These results are proof that the country is as divided as ever and show the depth of frustration at both main political parties. Politicians in Westminster seem to lack the answers to the biggest issue facing the UK and voters have had enough, regardless of how they voted three years ago.”

Overwhelming vote for strike action at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust

Administrators and medical secretaries employed by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action over a proposed restructure and pay cut of up to 12.5%, says UNISON.

UNISON calls on MP to help block industry regulator’s price hike

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has announced it plans to increase its mandatory registration fee by a whopping 18 per cent – despite overwhelming opposition from its members. UNISON is calling on Luke Pollard MP to sign a parliamentary early day motion to oppose the rise.

Probation return to public control is welcome but must be administered locally, says UNISON South West

Grayling’s botched reforms have finally been abandoned.

NHS staff celebrate Operating Department Practitioners Day

Hospital staff at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth celebrated Operating Department Practitioners Day today, paying tribute to an often overlooked part of the NHS team that play a vital role in keeping patients safe. An operating department practitioner (ODP) is a highly trained registered healthcare professional working in a range of critical care environments. ODPs prepare […]

Blog: Men’s mental health at work – how unions can help men to open up

It’s a bit of a cliché – the strong and silent man, the stiff upper lip. But sometimes clichés are clichés because they contain a truth. The truth here is that men often don’t talk about their mental health, or indeed their feelings at all.

99% of Mitie staff in Cornwall ready to take strike action over pay

An overwhelming majority of cleaners, porters and caterers have said they are prepared to strike after UNISON consulted members in hospitals across Cornwall.

Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Trust staff balloted for strike action

Administrators and medical secretaries are being balloted for strike action as Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust press ahead with up to 12.5% pay cuts as part of a restructure of services. If the proposals go ahead 53 full-time equivalent posts will be lost and specialised medical secretary roles will disappear. With fewer staff […]

Blog: Go for Growth this May

At a time when union membership across the world is in decline, it’s UNISON that’s bucking the trend and standing up for more and more public service workers. As a result, we’re now the biggest union in the UK.

Blog: Today we not only mourn the dead, we also pledge to fight for the living

Today marks the day when we remember all those who died or have been seriously injured through their work. Joanne Kaye writes on International Workers’ Memorial Day. It is estimated that 50,000 die each year through their work. That equates to 140 people for every day of the year. It is relatively rare for our […]