Tell us about the state of your local public services

With just fifty days until the General Election, we’re asking people to help us tell the politicians what it’s like in the services you and your family work in and use.

The Brexit negotiations will take up a lot of airtime in the next few weeks, and rightly so given their importance. But we mustn’t let public services – the backbone of our country – fall out of the debate.

That’s why we are asking people how they feel about the state of their local services.

Here are two easy ways to take part:

Fill out our General Election priorities survey

Record a super-short video (less than 60 seconds) on your phone or computer. Then post it on the UNISON South West facebook page, or send it to us on

In your video, we’d like to know your answers to these questions:

  1. Please tell us the name of the service you use or work for.
  2. Do you work for this service? What’s your job title?
  3. What do you think is good about the service? (If you work there, why do you feel proud of the service or the work that you do?)
  4. Have the services got worse or better over the last few years, in what way?
  5. What would you like to see to help improve local services?

It may help you to write down a few notes first about what you want to say.

We’re campaigning to improve local services and want to spread the word to others. If you send us your video, please let us know that it would be OK to use it on our Facebook and Twitter.

If you’d like more information about this, or help with how to make the film, please contact us –