Confidence in Speaking Up , public speaking and Speech Writing – Exeter

5 June 2024 9:30am–4:30pm


This course is aimed at all reps, stewards and branch officers who want to feel more confident speaking in public and crafting effective speeches, whether at conferences, rallies, or branch meetings.

Further Representation Skills & Confidence

22 – 24 May 2024


This course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5 day Stewards course and explores more details areas of learning to build confidence in representation.

Migrant workers have a home in UNISON

Webinar: Migrant workers have a home in UNISON

18 April 2024 12:30pm–1:30pm


To find out the latest developments in the Government’s immigration policies and the support available for our migrant worker members, UNISON South West is running a briefing for members.

Further Skills for Health & Safety Representatives – Online

4 March 2024 9:30am–4:00pm


This course builds upon the Stage 1 Health and Safety Representatives’ Course and will help H&S reps to further their skills and knowledge.

ERA Refresher Online (Spring)

5 February 2024 9:30am–11:00am


This course is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Relations Act (ERA) recertification, which states that Stewards need to update their skills and training every 5 years. It involves group work and discussion. It is also a good opportunity to network and share ideas and experiences.

The Organising Steward 2023 – Exeter – In Person

30 October – 27 November 2023

Unison Regional Office Exeter

The Organising Steward in person learning option in EXETER. The course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out the role of a steward in UNISON

ERA Refresher Online ( 4 x 90 mins sessions)

2 October 2023 9:30am–11:00am


This course is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Relations Act (ERA) recertification, which states that Stewards need to update their skills and training every 5 years. It involves group work and discussion. It is also a good opportunity to network and share ideas and experiences.

Further Representation Skills – NEW

26 – 27 October 2023


The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5-day organising stewards course and explores learning in more detail.

Healthcare Students Learning

27 September – 18 October 2023

Online - Webinar

Join our national team to learn more……Online webinar events – various dates

Mentoring in the Branch – Taunton

3 – 4 October 2023


This course is aimed at both newly elected stewards and experienced activists/officers. It introduces the principle of mentoring as a means of support for new stewards.

Understanding Employment Status – (CANCELLED)

21 September 2023 9:30am–12:30pm


How you are defined in law as either a worker or employee can affect the employment rights you are entitled to. This workshop will explain the differences and why it is important to know this.

Communicating with Members – Exeter

20 September 2023 9:30am–4:30pm


This is a one-day course aimed at helping stewards communicate effectively with members from an organising perspective. It provides an opportunity to develop skills in a variety of communication methods including starting conversations, managing discussions, listening to members’ views, and using emails and other media.

Resilience Building Residential 2023 – FULLY BOOKED!

15 – 17 September 2023

Dartington Hall Estate

UNISON South West Member Learning Offer. A residential aimed at Women in the South West. This offer is to spend time learning skills to build resilience and explore mindfulness and compassion. Help to aid self care and wellbeing.

Risk Assessments – Online

14 September 2023 9:30am–4:30pm


This course is designed for new or inexperienced Health and Safety reps. It can also be used as refresher for more experienced reps.

Writing Effective Motions – Online

4 September 2023 9:30am–12:30pm


The course is designed to give all UNISON activists the knowledge, confidence and skills required to write and move effective motions.