Frontline care and health workers face thousands of pounds of government ​visa charges, says UNISON

Thousands of low-paid migrant care and health staff have been shut out of a government scheme that would save them thousands of pounds in visa ​renewal fees, says UNISON ​today (Thursday). The frontline ​staff are dismayed the government has blocked them from receiving a free one-year visa extension​, which has been granted to some key workers because of the pandemic. The visa […]

Your NHS Stories

The NHS celebrates it’s 72nd birthday on Sunday.

NJC committee to put pay offer to members

Consultation will allow branches and members to discuss the employers’ final offer – the best that can be achieved by negotiation.

The main entrance to Weston General Hospital in Weston Super Mare. Person seen in the background wearing a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Urgent improvements needed at Weston Hospital after coronavirus failures, says UNISON

Health managers must take immediate action to sort out communication issues which left staff in the dark about major Covid-19 difficulties at Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare, says UNISON today (Thursday).

New care home death figures show government claims of protecting the sector ​ring hollow, says UNISON

Responding to figures published today (Tuesday) by the Office for National Statistics showing more than 1,000 coronavirus related deaths have occured in South West care homes, UNISON South West regional secretary Joanne Kaye said: “Over 1,000 families in the South West have lost loved ones to COVID-19 in care homes, many haven’t even had the chance to […]

Support staff have little confidence in government school safety plans, says UNISON

An overwhelming majority of school support staff don’t feel reassured by government claims that English schools are safe to open to more pupils from the beginning of June, according to a UNISON survey published today (Friday).

Major Somerset care provider achieves silver award in UNISON’s coronavirus safety charter

UNISON has today (Friday) awarded Discovery a silver award for meeting key standards in UNISON’s Care Worker Safety Charter. The award signals that Discovery are a regional leader in the fight against the spread of Coronavirus in care homes. Silver award recognises that Discovery have proactively engaged with UNISON and has met most of the […]

Blog: We must ensure the clapping is a catalyst for change

Tonight is the ninth ‘clap for key workers’, and I’ll be out clapping again for all the brilliant UNISON members on the frontline during this pandemic. Clapping only gets us so far though. We must continue to lobby the government, negotiate with employers and ensure that the clapping is a catalyst for change. Today, we […]

Hospital workers in Cornwall can’t afford to self-isolate, says UNISON

Cleaners, porters and catering staff working at Bodmin Hospital who are required to self-isolate could receive less than £100 per week, says UNISON. These frontline staff undertake vital jobs for the NHS but their employer GFM has said that employees will only receive statutory sick pay (SSP) if they are required to stay at home with […]

Care home deaths expose social care system ‘unfit for purpose’, says UNISON

Figures published today (Tuesday) by the Office for National Statistics show almost 1,000 care home deaths in the South West linked to coronavirus up to 8 May. In Bristol, Dorset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, COVID-19 deaths in care homes now exceed deaths from coronavirus in hospitals. The weekly increase in care home deaths is also higher […]

New ways for members to get legal help from UNISON

During the COVID-19 crisis, UNISON has changed its processes to make it easier for members to get legal support at no extra cost, as part of their union membership.

Health unions publish blueprint for the safe opening up of the NHS

Fast, comprehensive and accessible testing, and the ongoing, ample supply of protective kit are among measures that must be in place for the NHS to be opened up safely as the UK begins to ease the lockdown, say health unions today (Friday).

Give an extra clap for operating theatre staff, says UNISON

UNISON and The College of Operating Department Practitioners mark annual National ODP Day.

Education unions’ agree statement on the safe reopening of schools

Ministers should step back from 1 June target and put safety first.

Blog: Heroes need more than medals and applause

Many of us were irked when the Mayday bank holiday was replaced by a VE Day holiday this year.  As a movement we’re uncomfortable about the celebration of war, even when it’s the war against fascism in Europe. The Covid-19 crisis is often likened to a war and gives too many male world leaders the […]