Sidney Gale House closure is deeply disappointing, says UNISON

“Care Dorset must explain and allow time for further discussions”

Commenting on today’s announcement from Care Dorset that Sidney Gale House will close UNISON Dorset assistant branch secretary Amanda Brown said: “The planned closure of Sidney Gale House is deeply disappointing.

“Vulnerable elderly residents will face upheaval as they are rehomed, and many of the skilled, trusted care workers who look after them are likely to lose their jobs.

“Bridport is a small rural town with limited services and few alternatives for staff to find new jobs or for residents to find somewhere that keeps them close to their loved ones.

“The home has been saved from closure several times in recent years. But it’s clearly been neglected to the point that it needs to shut its doors.

“Care Dorset must explain and allow time for further discussions with UNISON and the council, which owns this company.”