Regional Labour Link Forum 2021

6 March 2021 10:30am–12:30pm

Microsoft Teams

The South West Regional Labour Link Forum will take place on Saturday 6th March 2021.


Branch Delegate Registration

Branch elected delegates to UNISON South West Labour Link Forum

Branches are entitled to send two delegates, one of whom must be a woman.
Delegates must be paying into UNISON Labour Link and must be individual members of the Labour Party.

Branch elected visitors to UNISON South West Labour Link Forum

Visitors are welcome and can attend in a non-voting capacity.
Visitors must be paying into UNISON Labour Link and must be individual members of the Labour Party.

Register Now

Self Organised Groups / Retired Members & Young Members Registration

SOG appointment of delegates to the UNISON South West Labour Link Forum

  • SOGs, Retired and Young Members Committees, are entitled to send two delegates, one of whom must be a woman.
  • Delegates must be paying into UNISON Labour Link and must be individual members of the Labour Party.

SOG appointment of visitors to the UNISON South West Labour Link Forum

  • Visitors will be non-voting. SOGs are allowed an unlimited number of visitors and have to meet their travel and subsistence costs.
  • Visitors must be paying into UNISON Labour Link and must be individual members of the Labour Party.

SOG appointment of representative(s) to the UNISON South West Labour Link Forum

  • SOGs, Retired Members and Young Members Committees are each entitled to nominate one representative.
  • Nominees must be paying into UNISON Labour Link and must be individual members of the Labour Party.

Register Now

Labour Link Committee, National Political Forum and National Labour Party Conference nominations

Branches, Self Organised Groups, Retired and Young Members can make nominations to the regional Labour Link Committee, National Political Forum and National Labour Party Conference.

Full details here

Submit a motion

  • Motions should be about policy and organisation matters relating to the Labour Link. Only those paying into UNISON Labour Link should be present when Branches, SOGs, Retired Members or Young Members Committees are discussing motions.
  • All Motions must not be more than 300 words in total and should cover one subject. 
  • The Region can submit 2 motions to the Annual National Labour Link Forum. 
  • Maximum of two motions per branch.

Submit a motion