To get the voices of public service workers heard, we need to get educated and organised!
Check out the resources below and contact your branch to see what they have planned during the consultation.
Here’s the full UNISON consultation document – but feel free to start with the pamphlets we have produced regionally.
Check out our Facebook and Twitter for graphics about rights at work, jobs, trade and more!
EU Consultation – information for members
- The full, in depth guide on all you need to know about the EU referendum and the issues that matter.
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The EU and the Economy

A short flyer to start discussion and flag up the key issues on what the EU means for the UK economy.
Public Services, trade and rights

What consequences does the EU have for our services and rights at work? How will trade treaties affect us? Check out this flyer for a brief overview.
Migration, welfare and society
Migration is high on the agenda as a concern for many people – but how does it link to the EU? Get the facts and start the discussion using this flyer.
Employment rights and the EU
Published by the Trades Union Congress, this detailed report sets out how UK labour law is affected by the EU, and what leaving might mean.
Women's rights and Brexit
Many aspects of fairness at work are taken as a given today, but were won recently. A TUC pamphlet looks at how the EU plays a role in gender equality.