17 April 2023 9:30am–12:30pm
To give you an understanding of dismissals of employment
3 – 4 April 2023
This course is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Relations Act (ERA) recertification, which states that Stewards need to update their skills and training every 5 years. It involves group work and discussion. It is also a good opportunity to network and share ideas and experiences.
29 – 30 March 2023
The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5-day organising stewards course and explores learning in more detail.
30 March 2023 9:30am–1:00pm
Online - Via MS TEAMS
Why not book on to this CPD (continued professional development) course on Dementia with the Open University. Tutored by expert tutors from The OU. All our Open University Courses are run via MS Teams.
27 February – 27 March 2023
The Organising Steward Online Course. The course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out the role of a steward in UNISON
27 March 2023 9:30am–12:30pm
Contracts are the basis employment law and understanding how they work is essential to understanding how workplace law works.
22 – 23 March 2023
This course is designed for Branch Officers to attend together and take back their action plan to the rest of the Branch Committee. It is essential training for branch negotiators, Branch Secretary, Service Conditions Officer, Convenors, Equality Co-ordinator, and Black Member’s Officers.
23 February – 23 March 2023
The Organising Steward in person learning option in WAREHAM. The course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out the role of a steward in UNISON
22 March 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm
Online - Via MS TEAMS
Join us to learn more with The Lighthouse Group. Lighthouse Financial Advice is the trusted financial advice partner of UNISON. Our purpose is to help you achieve your aspirations through expert financial planning. Join us to talk about the changes to the NHS pension scheme over the last years and hear about changes to the state pension and where to find out more about the years you have logged. Gain tips about investments to keep you financially secure in retirement.
16 March 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm
Join us during Neurodiversity Celebration week 13-19 March 2023. Learn more about neurodiversity in the workplace. This interactive webinar will introduce you to the benefits of celebrating diversity.
14 March 2023 6:00pm–7:00pm
Join us during Neurodiversity Celebration week 13-19 March 2023. Learn more about neurodiversity in the workplace. This interactive webinar will introduce you to the benefits of celebrating diversity.
7 March 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm
Online - Via MS TEAMS
Join us to learn more with The Lighthouse Group. Lighthouse Financial Advice is the trusted financial advice partner of UNISON. Our purpose is to help you achieve your aspirations through expert financial planning. Join us to talk about the changes to the LG pension scheme over the last years and hear about changes to the state pension and where to find out more about the years you have logged. Gain tips about investments to keep you financially secure in retirement.
7 March 2023 9:30am–12:30pm
How you are defined in law as either a worker or employee can affect the employment rights you are entitled to. This workshop will explain the differences and why it is important to know this.
6 February – 6 March 2023
Gloucester - VENUE
The Organising Steward in person learning option in GLOUCESTER. The course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out the role of a steward in UNISON
22 February 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm
Online - Via MS TEAMS
Join us to learn more with The Lighthouse Group. Lighthouse Financial Advice is the trusted financial advice partner of UNISON. Our purpose is to help you achieve your aspirations through expert financial planning. Join this webinar to help you make the most of your money and secure your financial future.