Health & Safety 1 – An introduction (Online)

7 November – 5 December 2024


This Course is aimed at new and previously untrained Health and Safety Representatives.

Equality in Your Branch – Developing a Branch Equality Action Plan

This course and resources offer a range of ideas and checklists for activists to help them incorporate anti racism in their day-to-day campaigning, organising, recruitment and negotiation work, which in turn will help end the isolation felt by many Black workers and encourage proactive involvement in fighting for a fairer workplace.

Trans Ally Workshop – 2024

This workshop, developed in conjunction with our regional LGBT+ Self-Organised Group, and will look at UNISON’s policies and how to be a trans ally.

Race Discrimination Claims Protocol Workshop

Race Discrimination Claims Protocol Workshop. This workshop is aaimed at Branch Officers, Stewards, and Health & Safety reps. It will give an overview of the UNISON’s Race Discrimination Protocol and identify organising opportunities for branches and activists.